Why the name Well center?
Tahirah grew up in church and was fascinated by the folks in the bible who were “real,” the ones who messed up and had to be forgiven (which is all of them and us). For some reason, the Women at the Well stood out to her.
“I mean, here is this woman who is “living her best life,” or so we may say, in today’s world, but really, she was probably hurting and seeking love in all the wrong places. Then boom, she finds herself talking to THE MAN. The one who could love all that hurt and pain and make her whole, and he met her at THE WELL. The Well was where she was seeking to quench her physical thirst, and she was left with living water and a promise never to thirst again.”
Healing isn’t just for women—it’s for the men and boys we love, too. The Well is a space for reflection, renewal, and restoration for anyone seeking growth, clarity, and emotional freedom. Whether you're navigating relationships, setting boundaries, or stepping into your true self, you are welcome here.
Come draw from a source of healing and empowerment. The Well is for you.
so, do i have to be a Christian to work with you?
We work with any and everyone. Our beliefs influence my work in many ways, but the biggest, most important way is LOVE. I simply love all people and desire to show love all the time. I don’t preach or quote scripture unless you want that, and I’m not converting anyone. I am just here to listen and journey with you.
“Sis, I don’t know about you, but I have been thirsty physically, spiritually, and relationally. I have tried so much and left still wanting. But God…..
My prayer is that the Well Center is a place where all women can come and find wholeness and that your needs are met. I want to be the vessel, the place that helps you meet the one who brings you healing. “